SCS – Soldier Combat Systems

The Soldier Combat Systems program aims to provide the military with all combat equipment used in an integrated, incremental and open manner. The SCS program covers three areas: lethality, survival, and command and control. In the scope of survival are included the uniforms and load systems. The survival area aims to simplify the logistic channel […]
ACU – Advanced Combat Uniform

The concept of the project lies in the creation of an advanced camouflaged uniforms system for solo soldiers taking into account their real needs in different scenarios. The goal is to protect the soldier from the multiple hazards associated with different environmental conditions using innovative technologies and new materials that provide flexibility, comfort and other […]

Active control of Personal Microclimate In partnership with the CITEVE, DAMEL has developed a system of intelligent protection clothing, composed of elements that allow for self-regulation in extremely adverse environmental conditions thermal. Owner of an electronic and thermal control equipment, with a textile solution according to the needs of soldiers and their electronic/textile integration the […]
Coldfit Sport

Keeping the technical specifications of the COLDFIT and by changing its functionality and design, was established this fact, directed to the sportsmen who are waiting to come into play in cold environments, in order to increase your comfort and your profitability. The Coldfit Sport confers mobility, comfortability, ergonomics, protection, waterproofness, breathability and insulation.
Coldfit Moto

Coldfit bike is a protective equipment for bikers, with a removable thermal lining for greater functionality and adaptation to cold environments, and reinforcement of high-visibility through the incorporation of LEDs. Composed of attractive shapes and colors and urban areas, elastic inserts and anatomical cuts, that provide proper setting for the anatomic morphology of the human […]

Individual protection equipment (EPI) The COLFIT, heat insulation, was designed by the CITEVE and manufactured by DAMEL. Is personal protective equipment (PPE), composed of a set of jacket and trousers for workers affects the activities developed in cold environments.Aesthetically appealing, has both an innovative design and functional components, responding to requirements of comfort, ergonomics, thermal […]
SeaB2 – Overalls

Directed more to fishing activities, overall, which is also part of the project SeaB2, is formed by compressed sleeves and leggings with feet, in addition to all the features addressed in the previous parts.
SeaB2 – Jacket

In order to offer more protection against water and wind and greater impermeability, DAMEL created a long-sleeved jacket. The Jacket is made up of the same inflation system and can be used by individuals from different areas, such as sportsmen, fishermen, among others. Its innovative design lets you adjust to any environment and at the […]
SeaB2 – Vest

Thinking about the leisure activities and water sports, was developed the vest-SeaB2. This presents itself as a vest composed with a system “saves lives of emergency” which acts through the Insufflation system, ensuring user help in case of a fall to water. Promises protection, lightness, comfortability, ease into exercise movements, practicality, among others.